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Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences


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Head of Department

Michael Steuter Head of Department Digital Transformation and IT +49 (0)2381 8789-7500 michael.steuter@hshl.de
Representation Daniela Wiegelmann
Head of Data centre and IT Infrastructure +49 (0)2381 8789-7524 daniela.wiegelmann@hshl.de

Subject 5.1 - Digital Transformation

Laura Geschwinder Head of Digital Transformation +49 (0)2381 8789-7512 laura.geschwinder@hshl.de
René Baumgardt Digital Transformation +49 (0)2381 8789-7530 rene.baumgardt@hshl.de
Katharina Dressel Digital Transformation +49 (0)2381 8789-125 katharina.dressel@hshl.de
Simone Großedirkschmalz Digital Transformation +49 (0)2381 8789-7410 simone.grossedirkschmalz@hshl.de
Jennifer Hengsbach Digital Transformation on parental leave
Christoph Notzon Digital Transformation +49 (0)2381 8789-277 christoph.notzon@hshl.de
Jörg Rieger Digital Transformation +49 (0)2381 8789-7514 joerg.rieger@hshl.de
Portraitfoto Stefan Runde Stefan Runde Digital Transformation +49 (0)2381 8789-7532 stefan.runde@hshl.de

Subject 5.2 - Data centre and IT infrastructure

Daniela Wiegelmann Head of Data centre and IT Infrastructure +49 (0)2381 8789-7524 daniela.wiegelmann@hshl.de
Laura Bryant Data centre and IT infrastructure +49 (0)2381 8789-7538 laura.bryant@hshl.de
Marius Dahms Data centre and IT infrastructure +49 (0)2381 8789-7523 marius.dahms@hshl.de
Frau mit Polaroid-Kamera Gerrit Hahn Data centre and IT infrastructure +49 (2381) 8789-7536 gerrit.hahn@hshl.de
Portraitfoto Veli Parlak Veli Parlak Data centre and IT infrastructure +49 (0)2381 8789-7521 veli.parlak@hshl.de
Tobias Pieper Data centre and IT infrastructure +49 (0)2381 8789-7526 tobias.pieper@hshl.de
Markus Schürmann Data centre and IT infrastructure +49 (0)2381 8789-7529 markus.schuermann@hshl.de
Christian Stümer Data centre and IT infrastructure +49 (0)2381 8789-7534 christian.stuemer@hshl.de
Arne Vondereck Data centre and IT infrastructure +49 (0)2381 8789-7527 arne.vondereck@hshl.de

Subject 5.3 - IT-Services

Sven Schulz Head of IT-Service +49 (0) 2381 8789-7535 sven.schulz@hshl.de
Stephan Jordan IT-Service +49 (0)2381 8789-7533 stephan.jordan@hshl.de
Frau mit Polaroid-Kamera Robin Köhler IT-Service robin.koehler@hshl.de
Portraitfoto Matthias Peters Matthias Peters IT-Service +49 (0)2381 8789-7522 matthias.peters@hshl.de

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