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Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences


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We are deeply shocked by the knife attack that happend on Friday, June 10, 2022, in the afternoon on our Hamm campus. A campus should not be a place of violence, but of peace and freedom.

Our thoughts are with those affected and their families.

Fortunately, the perpetrator was quickly subdued. We thank all the helpers and the emergency services.

After the terrible events at the Hamm Campus on Friday, June 10, we cannot and will not simply continue with regular business on Monday, but pause for a moment.

Together with the Heads of Department, the presidential committee decided on June 13, 2022 that regular teaching will be suspended at both campuses until the start of the examination period on June 27.
However, we would like to deliberately point out that the two campuses will not be closed. Individual on-site conversation opportunities will be created at both campuses for anyone who would like a bit of normalcy and to return to campus.

The presidential committee, departments and emergency counselling will be available on site to talk. HSHL employees can, of course, also make use of the discussion offers within the framework of their working hours.

Similar to the Hamm Campus, the Lippstadt Campus also offers talks with emergency counselors. If necessary, Marion Blaha, Secretariat of the Presidential Commitee, is available in confidence to pass on the contact: marion.blaha@hshl.de.

In addition, information for the Hamm Campus: Those who have not yet been able to pick up their personal belongings will find them available for pickup at the President's Office (Building H2.1, 3rd floor).


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