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Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences


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Lippstadt Campus | B. Sc.

Contact person

Portraitfoto Professor Oliver Sandfuchs Prof. Dr. Oliver Sandfuchs Head of Studies Materials Science and Bionics +49 (0)2381 8789-827 oliver.sandfuchs@hshl.de
Portraitfoto Professor Peter Degen Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Degen Principles of Mechanical Engineering +49 (0)2381 8789 - 865 peter.degen@hshl.de
Portraitfoto Professor Helge-Otto Fabritius Prof. Dr. Helge-Otto Fabritius Bionics and Materials Science +49 (0)2381 8789-850 helge.fabritius@hshl.de
Prof. Dr. Sabine Fuchs Chemistry and Materials Science +49 (0)2381 8789-841 sabine.fuchs@hshl.de
Prof. Dr. Kai Gehrs Application-oriented Mathematics +49 (0)2381 8789-868 kai.gehrs@hshl.de
Portraitfoto Prof. Haupert Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Haupert Constructive Product Design +49 (0)2381 8789-814 frank.haupert@hshl.de
Portraitfoto Prof. Hollmann. Prof. Dr. Sabine Hollmann Economy in engineering +49 (0)2381 8789-819 sabine.hollmann@hshl.de
Portraitfoto Dr. Birte Horn Dr. Birte Horn Lecturer for Special Instruction "Business and Technical English" +49 (0)2381 8789-829 birte.horn@hshl.de
Portraitfoto Professor Peter Kersten Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Kersten Mechatronics +49 (0)2381 8789-804 peter.kersten@hshl.de
Portrait Jürgen Krome Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Krome Head of Studies Mechatronics +49 (0)2381 8789-805 juergen.krome@hshl.de
Portraitfoto Professor Jörg Meyer Prof. Dr. Jörg Meyer Photonics and Materials Science +49 (0)2381 8789-811 joerg.meyer@hshl.de Profile
Portraitfoto Professor Christian Thomas Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Thomas Micro- and Nanotechnology +49 (0)2381 8789-828 christian.thomas@hshl.de
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dmitrij Tikhomirov Engineering Mechanics and Simulation +49 (0)2381 8789-836 dmitrij.tikhomirov@hshl.de
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Wibbeke Production Engineering in Mechatronics +49 (0)2381 8789-812 michael.wibbeke@hshl.de

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