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Intercultural Research Methods and Statistics

Profile | Prof. Dr. Anke Weber

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Work and research focus

  • Comparative empirical studies on the impact of ethnic and cultural diversity on politics, education, and economy
  • Development of indicators for health and education monitoring (e.g. for EU countries)
  • Development of forecasting methods in the field of education

Main research areas in the field of interculturality and diversity

  • Multicultural team work
  • Monitoring progress towards achieving sustainability
  • Sustainability reporting

Research project

Range of services

  • Training courses on the preparation, analysis and visualization of intercultural data (in Excel, R, SPSS or Stata)
  • Development of indicators for monitoring and benchmarking purposes in the area of sustainability, diversity, education and health

Other competences

  • Long-term international experience (Switzerland, USA, Italy, Luxembourg, as well as Guinea, Rwanda, Tanzania and Kenya)
  • International teaching experience (France, Switzerland, Rwanda)
  • Applied econometrics (especially cross-sectional country studies and binary response models)

Previous employers/references

  • Eurostat (Luxembourg)
  • European Commission, Joint Research Centre (Italy)
  • World Bank (USA)
  • University of Zurich (Switzerland)

Prof. Dr. Anke Weber is a member of the Expert Group for Social Issues and Health of the Graduate Institute NRW.

Processing current economic and intercultural developments by means of statically methods and analyzing them efficiently is the passion of Prof. Weber.
Born in Saarbrücken (Germany) Prof. Dr. Anke Weber studied economics at Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University in Frankfurt am Main with an exchange stay at New School for Social Research in New York, where she soon started to focus on research methods and statistics. After attending summer programs on data analysis and quantitative methods in the UK and the US, she wrote her Ph.D. thesis about the intercultural topic "Ethnic Diversity, Clientelistic Resource Distribution, and Politicization: The Impact of Ethnicity on Education in Africa" at the University of Zurich. During her dissertation, she spent over five months in Kenya and Tanzania doing field research.

Prof. Dr. Anke Weber worked as research assistant at University of Zurich, as well as manager of the research project ethnic diversity and education on different research projects, such as the effectiveness of development aid in the education sector for UNESCO or the agricultural labor supply in Malawi. She worked as a guest lecturer in the field of micro- and macroeconomics at the National University of Rwanda in Butare. Subsequently Prof. Weber worked in Switzerland and the USA as a consultant of the World Bank in the department of Human Development.

As a research consultant in the department for Econometrics and Applied Statistics of the Joint Research Center of the European Commission (Italy) Prof. Weber was responsible for the development of education indicators and forecasting methods. Before becoming a professor of Intercultural research methods and statistics on August 1, 2016, at Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Science, she worked as a statistician for Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Commission in Luxemburg, where she developed health indicators to compare progress across EU-countries.

Prof. Dr. Anke Weber authored several publications in the field of intercultural methods, education and health indicators, and has given guest lectures at the University Paris-Est Créteil in France.

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